Climate change is a constantly growing problem that has resulted in serious weather alterations and environmental impacts. Rapid glacier melting, rising sea levels, increased drought and wildfire frequency, growing deforestation, a spike in hurricane severity and habitat destruction are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the consequences of global warming. As awareness of this encroaching problem continues to spread, people are reacting by recycling, reducing waste and energy use and implementing green methods and technology into their daily lives. One way individuals try to contribute to saving the planet while also lowering their utility bills is by making changes to their homes. There are many options available for making houses more energy efficient.

1. Swap Out or Reseal the Windows
Air conditioning and heating costs can rack up easily in extreme weather. Drafty, not air-tight windows allow cool air and heat to escape during the summer and winter respectively. This forces the air conditioning and heating units to strain harder to perform their jobs, causing them to expend more energy. Consider replacing the windows with ones specially designed for energy efficiency, such as basement hopper windows Burlington County NJ. Another option is to reseal the edges of the windows. Use caulk or apply weatherstripping to minimize air leakage.
2. Switch To Greener Lightbulbs
Traditional incandescent lightbulbs and halogen lightbulbs are high in wattage but not so high in energy-saving ability. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs use less than them, but the true power-conserving star is the LED bulb, which emits the same amount of light as certain wattages of incandescents at much lower wattages. Smart LED bulbs offer the opportunity to reduce energy consumption further as they can be dimmed or turned off even when outside of the home.
3. Combat Phantom Power Waste
Even when not in use, appliances and devices can suck up power simply by being plugged up. If the television is off, it’s not burning energy, right? Wrong! As long as it is plugged up, it is drawing in power. The same goes for other items people leave plugged up. Unplug items like laptops or cell phones when they do not need to charge. Even if the cord is not attached to anything, do not leave chargers plugged in since this actually uses phantom power as well. Consider purchasing a smart bar so the plugs can all be switched off at once. Some have timers or can be set to automatically turn off at a set time.
Taking steps to make homes more energy efficient is a way to help make the world a better place for everyone and mitigate the effects of global warming. As a bonus, it helps homeowners save money!