To spoil the atmosphere in the house, sometimes even a small source of an unpleasant smell is enough. What if your carpet smells of mold? It can spoil your mood forever! It seems that you are living not in your lovely, sweet home, but in but in the old musty basement instead. So, it’s high time you started taking care of your carpet as soon as possible. There are two options – either you try to get rid of mold on your own using various household cleaning products or you turn to the professional mold remediation services winston salem nc. 

Why can mold affect the carpet? Here are the most common reasons, which mold remediation services winston salem nc usually face:

· Increased level of indoor humidity. The carpet, which consists of fabric and pile, perfectly absorbs moisture, nevertheless, it dries very poorly. If the room has poor ventilation and high humidity, the carpet will definitely be affected by mold.

· If the carpet gets wet (accidentally or after washing), there is very little chance that it will dry indoors lying on the floor. Therefore, do not bring it into the house after washing until it is completely dry. It also may lead to mold appearance. 

· If your neighbors flooded you or you just accidentally spilled a pot of water on the carpet and left this accident unattended, be ready to contact  mold remediation services winston salem nc in the near future. 

· The presence of mold in other rooms. If there is mold in the bathroom, its spores can quickly migrate to the other surfaces of your apartment. Your carpet is an ideal place for the growth and reproduction of mold fungus. 

Mold in the carpets is a mixed colony of various putrefactive bacteria, as well as microscopic fungi. They feed on fibers, gradually decomposing them. Hence the bad smell.  Specialists providing mold remediation services winston salem nc  say that the bad smell is not the worst thing in this case. Mold is dangerous to your health because it can cause pneumonia, allergies, and intoxication. Of course, it all depends on how many microbes there are in the air and how long you have been breathing this air. Remember, once you have spotted the mold on your carpet, you should act immediately. More than 300 mold species have been proven to contain allergens. This is an almost guaranteed allergy for everyone who share the same room with mold.

The main rule for removing unpleasant odors caused by mold.

It’s impossible to get rid of the disgusting smell without destroying the mold. If you try to ventilate the carpet or spray it with fragrance, it won’t do miracles. Good detergents and cleaning products won’t help either. What your carpet affected by mold actually needs is professional disinfection done by experts providing mold remediation services winston salem nc. Once your carpet has been disinfected, you can start aroma treatment. 

Obviously, if you want your carpet look perfect and smell like new one, turn to the cleaners offering mold remediation services winston salem nc because it’s their job to revive the carperts.